Home Page Welcome

Welcome to the Warsaw PS webpage!

Please take a moment to browse through and learn about our small but amazing school. We are located 15 minutes east of Peterborough in the village of Warsaw. We have 132 students from JK to Grade 8 learning in person this year. Our playground is phenomenal, with wild areas and natural materials for students to utilize. Our school is bright and clean, housing 6 classrooms, a French room, a library & computer lab, and a gymnasium & stage. Class sizes are small, allowing for optimal learning environments.

To find out what our Wildcats are doing you can quickly check out School News, Twitter, Facebook and the calendar on the home page. You can also go to Student Life / Galleries to glimpse "a day in the life" of a Wildcat. You'll soon realize that we provide a myriad of exciting learning opportunities for our students supported by current print text resources and technologies. 

Please visit this website often and give us some feedback by clicking on the link to the right.